Monday, October 03, 2005

It's inteteresting. The new place that I'm working at... it's a printing and publishing company that operates one of the local papers. I work upstairs from one of the two printing presses. For the last 15 years or so, I've said, over and over again... I HATE paper. I would prefer if everythign would just go digital. Now, for the most part, this is a direct result of bills that come in and have to be tracked... or, as a teacher, the multitudes of assignments that have to come and and be graded, tracked... etc. However, I'm a pretty firm believer that someday (not real soon...) we *will* go mostly paperless. The part I find interesting? Where I sit... in the morning... I can hear and FEEL the presses as they are in their high-production state. It's an amazing feeling. I liken it to being on a harley... but without the wind in your hair. Granted... there's not *THAT MUCH* vibration and such... but you can tell (since the building is cinder block and brick) that the machine is massive and... for lack of a more awestruck word... powerful.


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